
Polishing his last play "Sincere Condolences", soon to be released...

Seul mon amour est éternel has just been published by Edilivre. If you're interrested to read an English translation just ask for one on our contact form! 

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Born May 4th 1972 in Moyeuvre-Grande, France.

He is comedian and playwright (Amazon page)


Theater enthusiast, he acts since the age of eight. He is a member of several companies among which , Iris Iratorio, Les Caramels Fous, Les Emplumés,  La Compagnie des Hommes Papillons.


He created in March, 2013 his own theatre company "Tout1Spectacle". His comedian's training has essentially been made on stage and in Paris with Michel-Pierre BACHELET, (alumnus of L'Ecole de la Rue Blanche and of the National Academy of Paris), during 3 years.

Writing has become another way of expressing himself and « Believe...Just Believe» is his first play, creation May 2011 at Sud-Est Théâtre (Villeneuve St Georges - 94, France) then at l'Espace Culturel du Parc (Drancy-93, France). Best original play award from the Mai en Scène Theater Festival of Drancy - 2011.

Soon followed by " Waiting for George", his second play, creation May 2012 at l'Espace Culturel du Parc (Drancy- 93) and for the Festival Off d'Avignon in July 2012 at the Théâtre de l'Albatros.


His latest works are "Only my love last forever" ( Best play-Jury's award from the Mai en Scène Theater Festival of Drancy - 2016)


And "Sincere Condolences" (work in progress)


He also wrote a musical , "Un soir de pluie..." (work in progress)





Revue de presse

Drancy Immédiat N°209:

Après une semaine théâtrale fort dense,le jury a tranché.


Le prix de la meilleure création originale récompense Régis Herbuveaux, pour Y croire...tout simplement, sa première pièce, dont il assure la mise en scène et dans laquelle il joue le personnage de Tom. Il a commencé à faire du théâtre à l’âge de 8 ans, il a fait et fait toujours partie de plusieurs compagnies amateurs drancéennes. Sa passion pour le théâtre l’a amené à l’écriture. Il incarne à lui seul ce festival qui continue de nous enchanter chaque année.{...}


Seul mon amour est éternel de Régis HERBUVEAUX dans la brochure saison culturelle 2016-2017 de DRANCY


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